With most of our products, they’re mounted on a wall above the fireplace. However, we also offer full length MirrorTV products for other ares of the house. These are predominantly used in bedrooms or dressing areas.
Pictured is a bespoke framed product we made in a specific taller than standard size. The glass used here is our standard smoked glass, and there’s a 55″ TV within. This serves both as a useable TV and a statement mirror.
On this particular unit, we were asked to make a frame that exactly matched one that was already in the client’s hallway. We also produce these with our set frame options and sizes.
Our standard range of these can be found following the link below;
And of course, these are perfect for checking out your outfit before you head out. They serve three purposes. One, a TV, two a mirror and three, a piece of decorative furniture.
These like our other products have a variety of frame options to choose from.
Please do get in touch with us if you have questions about this or other products of ours.